Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Effects of Poor Diet and Obesity on Heart Essay
A decent eating regimen comprises of devouring a full scope of all the different supplements required for legitimate capacity of the body and substantial frameworks. At the point when somebody expends the right supplements in the right extents, they are considered to have a â€Å"Balanced Diet†. Be that as it may, when somebody isn't devouring the right supplements or not expending the right measure of supplements they are said to have a less than stellar eating routine or â€Å"malnutrition†. Hunger is frequently confounded to be only the absence of supplements in the body causing disease and Anorexia; anyway this is in reality mistaken as ailing health can likewise be characterized as the over the top devouring of supplements which contain more vitality than the body employments. This is most normally known as â€Å"Obesity†. In Britain and most first world nations, weight is one of the most genuine impacts of lack of healthy sustenance. It tends to be incredib ly perilous because of the development of a specific fat known as â€Å"Adipose Tissue†under the skin and around major real organs. Somebody can as a rule be characterized as being large in the event that they have a BMI of more than 30 (BMI can be determined by partitioning mass in Kg by stature in Meters, squared). Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a typical issue of the veins that flexibly the heart muscle with oxygenated blood. It is a significant reason for death in created with Reports in the UK recommending that 3-4% of men matured somewhere in the range of 35 and 74 bite the dust every year because of the impacts of CHD. In the reports for ladies, the hazard gives off an impression of being about portion of this figure. Every year around 156000 individuals in England and Wales kick the bucket from CHD. The heart is utilized as a siphon to siphon blood around the body; this is done by means of the contracting of the hearts muscles. This procedure needs a nonstop flexibly of oxygen so as to work, in any case if this oxygen gracefully is chopped off or hindered the muscle can't contract and in this manner the muscle will before long bite the dust. One of the procedures that can confine the measure of oxygen getting to the heart is called â€Å"atherosclerosis†on the other hand known as â€Å"Hardening of the Arteries†). This can prompt the coronary courses to be obstructed to the work of materials inside the conduit dividers. This causes the measure of room accessible for the oxygen to go through the corridor to turn out to be vigorously contracted. Atherosclerosis is a gradually creating issue and individuals who contract it regularly don't give any indications until they are at any rate 40 years old. Anyway in certain individuals, the procedure can be brought about a lot quicker. This is typically because of things, for example, hypertension, the nearness of low-thickness lipoproteins (LDL’s) or even unreasonable measures of hurtful synthetic compounds in the blood cuased by things, for example, the exorbitant utilization of tobacco. Harm from the nearness of these substances will develop inside the coronary supply route and exist as stores known as an atheromatous plaque. When this plaque has confined the largeness of the lumen by half or more, progression of oxygen into the heart muscle won't meet required sums and will make an agony be felt during practicing known as â€Å"angina†. This torment is felt in the left shoulder, chest and arm, however can even now be felt in the neck and left half of the face for certain individuals. Another threat from the nearness of an atheromatous plaque in the coronary courses is the risk of a blood coagulation being conformed to the plaque. These blood coagulations are known as a â€Å"Coronary thrombosis†and are brought about by stringy protein Collagen coming into contact with the platelet which makes the platelet discharge a synthetic that respond with the blood and cause a coagulation to frame. These blood coagulations further stoppage the progression of blood through the supply route. This could cause the piece of the heart accepting the oxygen from this conduit to flop in getting enough blood and subsequently shut down or prevent the heart from pulsating inside and out. At the point when this happens it is known as a â€Å"myocardial infarction†. A myocardial dead tissue is an intense condition where the heart neglects to pulsate. Around 90% of all instances of myocardial localized necrosis are immediate impacts from the issues stimulated by Coronal apoplexy. Myocardial areas of dead tissue are possibly lethal if a lot of muscle is influenced. Heart failures are an aftereffect of myocardial localized necrosis because of the absence of pulsating from the heart. During a heart failure, no heartbeat can be felt on the person in question and furthermore the casualty will lose awareness (swoon). On the off chance that the heart isn't restarted before the muscle cells begins to cease to exist, at that point the casualty will likewise pass on. A remaking of the impact an Atheromatous Plaque can have upon the vastness of the Lumen inside a vein (independent picture) Cholesterol is a significant substance in the structure of cell films and we should have a specific measure of it in our body or the liver will deliver its own type of cholesterol to be moved and utilized by cells. Be that as it may, proof from tests finished by researchers proposes that having an over the top measure of cholesterol in the blood builds the danger of experiencing CHD. It is as yet muddled whether ones degrees of cholesterol in the circulation system can be constrained by ones eating routine in spite of the fact that, information shows that eating a lot of immersed fats can build your opportunity of having an elevated cholesterol blood content. Exorbitant cholesterol can be hazardous as it isn't solvent in water so in this way it can't be shipped utilizing the blood plasma transportation framework. Rather it must be moved around the body in something many refer to as â€Å"lipoproteins†which are little balls comprised of different lipids, cholesterol and proteins. There are numerous assortments of lipoproteins which are typically arranged into 3 fundamental sub-segments. These sub-areas are characterized by the measure of protein they contain (otherwise called their thickness) and comprise of: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL): High protein substance and low lipid content Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL): High Lipid substance and lower Protein content Chylomicrons: a high lipid content and low protein content HDL’s are generally given the activity of getting cholesterol from around the body and shipping it to the liver. Then again, LDL’s are normally given the activity of moving cholesterol from the sweetheart to different pieces of the body. LDL’s have an impact in the development of an atheromatous plaque because of the inclination for them to store cholesterol into the harmed dividers of veins; interestingly HDL’s appear to really help in forestalling CHD. This is on the grounds that they expel cholesterol from tissues including those of vein dividers. In this way an individual who has a high HDL: LDL proportion in their body would be vastly improved ensured against CHD than somebody who doesn't. The structure of a lipoprotein (this one could be a LDL because of its High Lipid substance and lower Protein content) ( Circulatory strain can be characterized as the weight that blood inside vessels applies onto the dividers of the vessel where it is being shipped. On the off chance that an individual has an incredibly hypertension, they are said to have â€Å"hypertension†. This builds ones hazard to CHD by making the dividers of the courses thicken and firm a lot of like atherosclerosis makes the veins become solidified. The reason for hypertension isn't in every case clear for each situation. Anyway researchers have proposed that a high admission of salt or the extreme utilization of lipids might be supporting in the production of a hypertension, this is because of the high water fondness of salt itself which could be attracting water by means of assimilation, expanding the volume of blood and thusly pressure upon the veins. Hypertension is regularly fought normally by the body by means of the kidneys which would discharge progressively fluid containing the salt arrangement; anyway this procedure doesn't generally work hence prompting individuals with hypertension being either encouraged to simply eat a low-salt eating regimen or be given diuretics which will make the kidneys complete the procedure. Taking everything into account, It can be seen that both less than stellar eating routine and stoutness can both have a specific impact upon the odds of somebody contracting Coronary Heart illness, anyway it can likewise be seen that the impacts from both of these issues could without much of a stretch be fought by essentially eating a more advantageous eating regimen containing the entirety of the supplements required in the body and furthermore in the right extents taking into consideration a fair eating regimen and a sound way of life.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mahindra project report Essay
After solid endeavors of our Management, the understudies of Kohinoor Management School got this regarded chance to have an Industrial visit to a lofty organization like Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. We value the endeavors of the administration of KMS and M&M for executing this fruitful Industrial outing. Prologue to Mahindra: Mahindra and Mahindra Limited is the lead organization of the Mahindra Group, a global combination situated in Mumbai, India. The organization was set up in 1945 in Ludhiana as Mahindra by siblings K.C. Mahindra and J.C. Mahindra. Mahindra and Mahindra is a significant car maker of tractors, utility vehicles, traveler vehicles, pickups, business vehicles; its tractors are sold on six mainlands. It has gained plants in China and the United Kingdom, and has three gathering plants in the USA. M&M has a worldwide nearness and its items are sent out to a few nations. Its worldwide subsidiariesâ include Mahindra Europe Srl. situated in Italy, Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra South Africa and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd. M&M is one of the main tractor marks on the planet by volume. It is likewise the biggest maker of tractors in India with supported market authority of more than 25 years. It structures, creates, fabricates, and showcases tractors just as homestead actualizes. The Journey Begins†¦. We arrived at the Mahindra plant at Kandivali, Mumbai. We went to the Conference room and were advised about the Company by an introduction on the administration and the whole gathering of M&M followed by the Q and A Session which went on for 60 minutes. The distinctions were done as a matter of fact Mr. Shirish Tawde, the Deputy General Manager (DGM) of the Company. Going with him were Mr. Kishor Sonawane (Manger †Business Excellence), Rajendra Sawant (Sr. Supervisor Business Excellence), Mr. Mahesh Dalvi (Manager †Business Excellence, Sector Sustainability). With such dignitaries clarifying us the universe of M&M, we were similarly as thankful. This plant for the most part bargains in assembling of Tractors and Farm Equipments. The plant is one of the most seasoned assembling plants in the creation of tractors in India. After decades in driving the tractor segment M&M have enhanced into the foundations of cultivating and have situated themselves in the Farm Sector. In the wake of being advised through the presentation of M&M plant, we were going to investigate the India’s most Prestigious Companies. We were partitioned into 2 gatherings of 15 individuals in order to have singular consideration . We visited 3 units of the plant directly from assessment of motor parts, collecting of motor and principle assembling of tractors. They make 2,00,000 tractors every year. The FES contributes 35% piece of the pie. Hands on way to deal with Production (where hypothesis meets reasonable): Each Group was taken independently and clarified working of the plant. A great deal of hypothesis is found out is class in regards to how the assembling units center around Total Productivity, Total Quality, Zero Defect, etc†¦but by a long shot this was theâ first hands on understanding on how does a Manufacturing unit or plant works. Here we are clarified about how the get together line producing process works. This area of the plant manages the establishment of the principle motor of the tractor. In this image we are acquainted with how the stations work in co-appointment to get ideal outcomes. In the photos beneath, the understudies are taken through a total channel of stations on the get together station and the director clarifying every one of this confused procedure. The slack or lead time is determined and every one at each station attempts to enhance it in order to lessen the time impact in collecting every motor. The units where tractors are fabricated in mechanical production systems follow Total Quality Management (TQM) and Total Productivity Management (TPM). Each sub-unit adds to the creation. They keep away from material taking care of misfortunes with pulleys and fork-lifts. Every one of these methods increase the value of the creation. Without a doubt there is nothing unexpected they improve their quality and lessen time with ever unit of creation of tractor. Here, we are indicated how the last tractors are set up Understudies Opinion: Kohinoor Management School gave us the Golden Opportunity to visit the Mahindra and Mahindra plant at Kandivali. It was an incredible encounter to know the association inside. They are effective enough to adjust between Business Excellence and Individual Dignity. Their primary spotlight on ranch tech thriving is the thing that like me a great deal, as agribusiness is the base of the Indian Economy. - Pratibha Shinde. Visit to the M and M was an eye-opener. The excursion unfurled different part of the tractor division. Beginning from the stray pieces, the motor, to the huge structure which shapes the foundation of the Indian ranches and agrarian area. The increases or the detract from the visit were magnificent. The utilization of Japanese innovation in the sequential construction system, the bit by bit process design, the arrangement B; the vision of continually remaining ahead were the bits of knowledge. Heaps of the executives mantras were exhibited and instilled. An extraordinary learning and a respect to see the intrusion of the GREAT INDIAN TRACTOR DIVISION. - Yogendra Joshi. It was my first Industrial visit to any assembling plant and delighted in all of it. To be a piece of such a regarded association and examining all their procedure was a fascinating encounter all things considered. - Shraddha Salunke In the interest of all the Management and the understudies we accept this open door to thank the whole group of Mahindra and Mahindra for furnishing us with the handy data and well as brilliant neighborliness. We take second to offer our welcome to the whole Mahindra and Mahindra group.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Top 10 Tips for Communicating With Us No. 4 Thoroughly review our FAQ Page COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Top 10 Tips for Communicating With Us No. 4 Thoroughly review our FAQ Page COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Updated: March 2016 This is the fourth entry in our “Top 10? list for you to consider when communicating with our office and applying. Number 4 â€" Thoroughly review our FAQ Page When in doubt about something my recommendation is first to check out our admission FAQ page. Don’t get me wrong, we love to answer email and help people out, but we also feel bad when we get backlogged and are not able to respond within the time frame we would like when the question is readily available and answered on the FAQ page. Thus it is a great idea to familiarize yourself with both the General and Program FAQ pages. I recommend setting aside some time to at least scan the whole page in one sitting. This will allow you to take mental notes on all of the topics, and you can revisit the page when you think of very specific topics you want to explore more deeply. Also, we try to update the FAQ page frequently. If we find that lots of people have the same question, we try to add it to the FAQ page. Thus don’t be surprised if we direct you to the FAQ page when you email us with a question. While we do answer all emails sent to our office, you might find the answer more quickly if you perform some quick searches (CTRL-F in most browsers) on the FAQ page.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Urban Underworld - 823 Words
The Urban Underworld in Late Nineteenth-Century New York: The Autobiography of George Appo In Timothy J. Gilfoyle’s book, The Urban Underworld in Late Nineteenth-Century New York: The Autobiography of George Appo, we learn that life was hard being a 19th century immigrant and choosing a life of crime was sometimes, but not always, the easy way out although it came with many consequences. George Appo was one who chose the life of crime. Prison was a common place for the pick pocketer George Appo. At the young age of three his father is convicted of murdering a woman and sent to Sing Sing after which his mother abandoned him. Appo learns to steal at a young age. He really had nothing else to turn to. New York in the†¦show more content†¦Left to fend for himself, what other choice did Appo have other than a life of crime? Prison at the time was a place where the penitentiary would use the criminals as basically slaves of the state. They would work them day in and day out. There were problems of overcrowding, sexual abuse, and disease. How was one supposed to learn from their mistakes and realize what they did was wrong when they were just worked to death at the prisons? How is that supposed to help reform a person into being better? In the end, George Appo fulfilled his idea of being a â€Å"good fellow†yet suffered the consequences of many years in prison and the loss of an eye. Every time Appo would leave prison he would go back to his same ways and continued pick pocketing. In the 19th century prison did the least to reform anyShow MoreRelatedCities in US History: 20th century We all come across with the term globalization. The developing1300 Words  | 6 PagesThe effect of prohibition on moral tone make it possible in the past days toward the growth of the nation, but in the case of America it is going adversely. In the city of NewYork instead of expansion prohibition results in the expansion of sexual underworld and some other crimes as well. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Deterrence and Rational Choice Theory of Crime - 3085 Words
The issue of whether decision making by criminals is a rational process is a heated topic of discussion when one asserts that crime is the role of choice. Before the classical school of criminology, crime was thought to be the product of the paranormal occurrence of demons, witches, ghouls, and other creatures. The time prior to the classical school of criminology, called the preclassical era, is divided in two parts. Before the time of state intervention into private matters, each individual dealt with violations of their rights. This was a problem because of the continuous cycle of violence being perpetuated. Soon the State (and even the Church) took on the task of dispensing law and order to the masses of the Middle Ages. This led to a†¦show more content†¦For example, the shame of being exposed as a deviant to friends and family is more threatening than official sanctions. John Braithwaite asserted that shaming someone served to shape ones conscience. The crimes that see m to be the most deterrable seem to be those that are rational, instrumental, mala prohibita (acts that are not inherently evil but prohibited for other reasons), and typically committed in public places. Evidence of the deterrability of drunk driving is limited. Although, the sanctions associated with drunk driving may have a moral education effect. Capital punishment as a deterrent has little effect partly because of the irrational nature of acts punishable by death. Actually there is considerable support for a brutalization effect where it seems that violent crime tends to increase after an execution. There are factors that make someone more or less deterrable. Those who are future oriented, have high self control, are low risk-takers, have an authoritarian personality, are pessimistic, and older people. Also, those who are from higher classes are more deterrable. Females are more deterrable than males. Those who have much to lose and little to gain are also in this category. Sur prisingly, race has very little to do with ones level of deterrence. Cesare Beccaria contended that for someone to be deterred, they had to beShow MoreRelatedDeterrence And Rational Choice Theory777 Words  | 4 Pagesworld crime is happening every single day. Yes, some people may feel as if the deterrence theory does not work. Due to the fact that crime still happens in the world. This essay will look at the support for the theory. As well as the key problems for the theory. Next, it will explain some of the newest directions in deterrence/rational choice theory. Finally, it will either agree/disagree with someone’s thought on deterrence and how it does not work and is a waste of time to study. Deterrence andRead MoreContemporary Utilization Of Classical Perspective1575 Words  | 7 Pagesexplain the contemporary utilization of the classical perspective of criminology. 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In today’s society dealing with Rational Choice a question always comes into play on why people engage in criminal behavior, but who really knows and most people wonder is it who they surrender their selves around in their social life or could it have been where they grow up and what they sense as a child withRead MoreThe Sentencing Policy And The Criminal Justice System1065 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many current criminal justice policies and laws that demonstrate how the policy has been informed by the theories that have been covered this semester. Many connections are not explicit but offer great detail in offering information based on the given topics. The current criminal justice policy that I’ve chosen was the sentencing policy. The sentencing policy was put togeth er to reach every type of case that could possibly be seen in the criminal justice system. Here we will further discussRead MoreDeterrence Theory Is The Rational Choice Theory992 Words  | 4 PagesDeterrence theory is the basis and the ultimate desired outcome to deter crime in the United States (Feldmeyer, 2015). That has not always been true. There has been a period in U.S. history, 1960’s and 1970’s that Rehabilitation Theory was considered the method of choice (Feldmeyer, 2015). Rehabilitation Theory, including treatment, was to treat the â€Å"illness†rather than place heavier sanctions such as incapacitation. Even though Rehabilitation is not the predominate approach used today, it is stillRead MoreTheories Of Law And Justice761 Words  | 4 PagesEssay #1 Theories of law and justice answers the questions on how/ why in society a person behavior could be seen or handle as a criminal (Akers Sellers, 2009). Also the theory helps explain why a certain behavior is consider illegal and what punishment needs to be taken for that behavior/conduct. To answer these questions, the theory looks at the variables which are social, economic, and economic which has it affects on law and justice (Akers Sellers, 2009). For theories of crime and criminalRead MoreDeterrence And Rational Choice : The Criminal Justice System And Crime Prevention1196 Words  | 5 PagesDeterrence or rational choice, which one is the better, or should I say wiser theory to follow when it comes to the criminal justice system and crime prevention. Using extreme capacitation (Deterrence) can be an effective punishment for many in our society, however, there will still be a small portion of our society that will still commit crimes. The majority of the society would use goo d-ole common sense (Rational Choice) and not commit crimes in the first place. DISCUSSION: Deterrence and RationalRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System And Crime Prevention970 Words  | 4 PagesINTRODUCTION: Deterrence or rational choice, which one is the better, or should I say wiser theory to follow when it comes to the criminal justice system and crime prevention. Using extreme capacitation (Deterrence) can be an effective punishment for many in our society, however, there will still be a small portion of our society that will still commit crimes. The majority of the society would use good-ole common sense (Rational Choice) and not commit crimes in the first place. DISCUSSION: Deterrence andRead MoreRational Decision Making And Its Effect On Crime Causation Essay1497 Words  | 6 Pages Rational Decision Making and its Effect on Crime Causation Most, if not all Americans, are familiar with the story of Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne. As a small child Bruce s parents were brutally gunned down in front of him prompting him to don the cape and mask to rid Gotham city of injustice. In the 2005 movie adaptation starring Christian Bale, Batman is asked why he so selflessly protects the city. He replies, â€Å"It s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.†I believeRead MoreRational Choice Theory as a Deterant to Crime Essay622 Words  | 3 PagesWritten Assignment 1 (Due October 1st ) Rational choice theories are among the fastest growing theories in social science today. Many sociologists and political scientists defend the claim that rational choice theory can provide the basis for a unified and comprehensive theory of social behavior. What distinguishes rational choice theory from other forms of theory is that it denies the existence of any kinds of action other than the purely rational and calculative. All social action can be seen
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Complex Problem Solving Free Essays
The business world keeps changing at a fast pace. We see constant changes in the workplace as a result of emerging technologies. Organizations have to repeatedly change their business model to keep up with these changes and have to come up with new methodologies to tackle problems a create solutions. We will write a custom essay sample on Complex Problem Solving or any similar topic only for you Order Now World Economic Forum predicted in one of its publications the top ten skills that will be needed the most in the Fourth Industrial Revolution by 2020. Complex Problem Solving was listed at the top (World Economic Forum) With the continual change in the business environment and the way we work, more than half of the skills won’t be considered important. Companies will look for problem-solving skills in its employees and the ones with the best ability to define problems and effectively find a solution for them will be the ones to thrive in the near future. Design Thinking has emerged as a discipline that focuses on the experience economy and finding solutions for the customer. Adopting a Growth Mindset Design Thinking is about designing human-centric experiences and solutions. Looking at complex problems that are not necessarily evident to the naked eye by understanding the needs of the customers and employees. Only by having a clear understanding of who the customer is and their behavior, an organization can be able to provide a more valued and effective solution. We see this happening when a person, and the company they work with, shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. They learn to adapt and change their old-fashioned, linear approach to problems and a way to solve them. Reflecting and doing more research on the e-commerce, Wayfair, I can reaffirm the company is leading the industry through innovation by applying Design Thinking. They adopt a growth mindset and deeply understand the needs of their customers. Like most companies, they want to consider growth opportunities for the business. However, they have learned that with this fast-paced change in the way we work, they have to learn and adapt and be the ones to disrupt before they get disrupted. With this mindset, the company is more willing to accept uncertainties than its competitors. Wayfair’s Design Thinking Culture The company has made sure to incorporate Design Thinking into its culture. They started with little steps like an open-plan office. By having different teams together, communication became easier. They realize problems aren’t necessarily to be solved by a specific department. By bringing different perspectives into a project, they were more likely to find hidden problems more easily. Wayfair also gives a huge amount of importance to its Customer Service team and encourage them to be involved with all the departments and vice versa. They make customers the first priority and are constantly involving them in their research. They make sure they have a one-to-one experience with different customer demographics. To wonder about things, that may not seem like a problem at the moment, but that could eventually improve. Things like, why the customer didn’t complete a purchase or why do they prefer retail shopping instead of online shopping. By understanding the type of consumer they have and their behavior they have managed to lead the industry through innovation. From this way of thinking originated their newest added feature- Augmented Reality Camera. This feature enables customers to visualize how a furniture would look like in their house using their phone camera. It will show the real features (like height and lighting) of the item and the customer can see how it fits the house before purchasing. They came up with this idea when they were trying to understand why some customers were leaving items in their shopping cart but not completing the purchase. These customers all had problems visualizing how it would look like in their house or simply prefer shopping in a retail store to see the actual size of things. Wayfair’s Product Innovation team quickly address this problem by disrupting the industry with the new technologies available in the market. Wayfair is a good example of a company that follows the Design Thinking process to solve complex problems effectively. The company helps to understand that a shift in mindset from linear to one that embraces chaos and complex problems, and that is customer-centered, is crucial in the business world. With a Design Thinking mindset, they empathize with new situations and search for growth opportunities in the market. They also integrate new solutions into the business with well thought out and tested prototypes to make certain new products and services into business operations will be successful. By applying the Design Thinking process, they have been known to scale fast when necessary. How to cite Complex Problem Solving, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Strategic Communication Strategy for Plan-
Question: Discuss about theStrategic Communication Strategy for Plan and Sketch. Answer: Introduction Strategic communication is a much broader term that provides details regarding the activities corresponding to the genres of public relations, communication concerning management areas, as well as advertising. In plain words, any business follow, plan, sketch and incorporate strategies so as to communicate their agenda and set objectives towards their stakeholders and the larger society. Furthermore, strategic communication is also looked upon as a sub head of the communication subject. Nonetheless, with the help of strategic communication any business association look forward to explore their limitations, strengths and its capacity. However, effective strategic communication of any firm is always seen to keep alignment with the firms objectives, vision and mission [1] However with the effective strategies concerning communication, the firm strives to maintain its competitiveness thereby boosting its strategic positioning in the market. It is further emphasized that the strategic communication must possess certain characteristics such as clarity, preciseness, truth, consistency and must be focused towards the goal. Certain regulatory imperatives must be followed like the honest disclosure of the message towards all the stakeholders. For instance, if a company communicate different messages towards its consumers and other suppliers then honesty and transparency are missing in the communication thereby making the strategic communication of the respective company ineffective and diluted. Hence, all these aspects do handover a basic idea regarding strategic communication[2]. The case that will be used in this essay is Desalination and drought proofing Melbourne. Best Idea of the Campaign The best idea about the campaign is the necessary step thought for and taken to meet up with the needs of the growing numbers of citizens and combat the drought problem through desalination process. Rather than focusing on how to bring down the usage of water to a considerable amount, the Australian government comprehended well about the psychological and the societal problems relating to drought and thus thought it to be crucial to take the necessary steps towards desalination. Moreover the policy makers of the Australian government emphasized on the aspect of taking pre-emptive action to fight against drought and such natural calamities irrespective of the high cost. Further the policymakers also put emphasis on the situations that if the desalination plant is being constructed then it will certainly exempt the consumers from paying heavy water bills to the government. Moreover, while viewed through the lens of strategic communication, it is observed that the Australian government maintained that level of clarity, honesty, preciseness and alignment in transmitting and communicating its messages to various stakeholders[3]. Worst Ideas of the Campaign As there are best ideas about the desalination campaign of Melbourne, there are worst ideas too about it. The first and foremost negative aspect that has been derived out of the project is its very high cost in setting up of the plant. The next negative point that has been illustrated is that it is damaging to the bio diversity of the planet. Another notable negative point to be cited is that instead of taking precautions and formulating strategies to combat with drought problems, the government directly thought of opening a new desalination plant which is too expensive. It might be put in this way that the remarkable drought that took place during 2006 has certainly been successful in planting fear in the hearts of the policymakers and the Australian government. However, another issue that is of much concern is that the growing number of population in Australia might not actually support the whole desalination project due to the ever rising demand of water supply that is psychologic al and partly societal[4]. Therefore, there must have been strategies to confront with the rising water demand in order to bring it down. Another instance that might be taken onto account is that once the desalination project was constructed, there was plenty of rainfall in the following years in Australia which indicated that the construction was not relevant as it involved lots of money to frame the project. Again on the contrary, the Australian government could have used effective strategic communication through advertising to bring down the growing water level usage which seems to not have been done and thus stands out as another negative aspect of the campaign. There was no such sort of risk management involved concerning the desalination project or even no such precautionary approaches were taken. The only way that it can be viewed is a desalination project made as an answer to precautionary approaches and risk management[5]. It can also be viewed in the light that asking the Melburnians to reduce the water usage level seemed tough and difficult situation for the countrys government rather than building the desal ination project which shows the short-sightedness and hasty decisions made by the government. This instance can be better comprehended while quoting the line decisions made in the timeframe of the electoral cycle do not sit well in the context of a long-run, sustainable approach to water management[6]. Central Approach of the Campaign- Agreement/ Disagreement There are certain points that go along as positive aspects relating to the central approach of the campaign while there are more points to be considered that do not get along with the central approach. As earlier in the answer noticed that the Australian government never communicated strategically with the Melburnians regarding reducing water usage level or never tried to create any sort of awareness regarding the real problems faced by the government such as the natural calamity, growing population, growing need of water usage, water scarcity problems due to the occurrence of climatic change in the global weather and others. All these aspects rather gave the impression that the government has not been effectively communicating with the citizens thereby keeping them on the dark. However, without mitigating effectively the water problems, the Australian state government of Melbourne went into constructing the desalination project. Nonetheless, I do agree with the central approach of t he campaign. The best part of the project is that it is a big help in providing drinking water to the parts of Australia whenever required and is not dependent upon the rainfall as well as open water storages[7]. Further it is observed that the plant possess the potential in supplying 450 000 m3 water that is drinkable on a daily basis. Truly it can be counted as one of the successful projects of Australia thereby setting an example for other nations that how desalination plants with the help of technology help in water problems. Further the way, this plant has been set up is notable and praiseworthy though there are persons that criticize regarding the enormous amount of money that had gone in constructing this plant. As far as the design, framework and the development of the project are concerned; the government has shown its skill and has implemented latest and updated technologies for it[8]. Furthermore, this is not only the biggest desalination project in Australia but has been considered as one of the biggest desalination project all over the globe. Though earlier in this essay, the Australian state government has been criticized for not strategically communicating with the general citi zens but still where the framing of the project is concerned, it has attained effective strategic communication with its partners like Degremont and Thiess who were contracted through Aquasure consortium in financing, constructing, operating as well as maintaining the plant for a period of 30 years. The plant has been every effectively broken down into six departments such as the administrative and utility department, sea water lift pumping station (SWLPS), pre-treatment, desalination process, potabilisation line and the transfer pump station respectively[9]. The administrative and utilities complex comprises the staff pertaining to operation and maintenance cell and is considered as the projects heart. Furthermore, this cell also comprises a research and development laboratory which supervises the overall quality as well as optimization. The SWLPS section of the plant helps in moving the sea water towards desalination line from the subterranean tunnels. Pre-treatment procedure is considered to be very crucial as it maximises the reverse osmosis process and is comprised of innumerable filtering utilities that separate the sea water from small and large particles. The next process which is the desalination process incorporates membrane technology through which pure water is derived. Through potabilisation line the pure water is transformed into drinking water through the addition of certain minerals. The last is the water transfer pump station through which the drinkable water is passed to various other reservoirs and water supply stations . The above processes certainly display the efficiency of the project backed by dedicated effort and flawless strategies[10]. Lessons Learnt from the Campaign The lessons that I have learnt from the campaign is that it depends a lot on effective strategic communication which can work wonders in any sort of businesses. Nonetheless, the strategies if effectively communicated possess the power to materialise the vision and the objectives set. Similar is the scenario of the Victorian government, which visualized for a desalination plant and thus was able to form one that is not only the countrys largest desalination plant but is also acknowledged as one of the largest desalination plants globally. From the campaign, a lot can be comprehended regarding the kind of communications, negotiations and differing opinions and arguments that the government has to go through while bringing up this project. However, it is certainly with the aid of its strategic communication with the project partners that the plant is considered to be a success. Another lesson learnt through this campaign is that whenever demand arrives, one must know how to act through crisis period. The government instead of settling for alternatives went to take an action. There were alternatives present like mitigating the increase in water usage problems, strategizing for more water bills, rain water storing and treatment options and others. However, the government never compromised or settled for these options irrespective of the very high budget of the desalination project. Therefore, this is also another lesson that could be learnt from this campaign[11]. Application of Ideas in Future Work Concerning Strategic Communication Strategic communication is an important ingredient that can be used for fundraising activities. Especially the Australian state governments idea of fundraising thereby entering into the contracts with Degremont and Thiess through the incorporation of Aquasure consortium is some effective strategic communication attained by the government and also sets an example to other businesses. Therefore I have also learnt the implications of strategic communication in fundraising activities. Another point that could be learnt from the campaign is that irrespective of the enormous size and shape of the plant that involves thousands and thousands of lives, all the departments are aligned with each other and thus helps in smooth functioning of the project. Therefore this is another aspect that could be learnt and is possible through effective formulation of strategic communication[12]. References (2017). Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2017]. Argenti, P. A., Howell, R. A., Beck, K. A. (2005). The strategic communication imperative.MIT Sloan management review,46(3), 83. Bolton, D., Galloway, C. (2014). The holistic dilemma: Helping management students deal with risk.The International Journal of Management Education,12(2), 55-67. Derville Gallicano, T. (2009). Personal relationship strategies and outcomes in a membership organization.Journal of Communication Management,13(4), 310-328. Ferguson, B. C., Frantzeskaki, N., Brown, R. R. (2013). 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(2007).Strategic communication in business and the professions. Allyn Bacon. Palmer, N. (2012). Changing perception of the value of urban water in Australia following investment in seawater desalination.Desalination and Water Treatment,43(1-3), 298-307. Setiawan, A. A., Zhao, Y., Nayar, C. V. (2009). Design, economic analysis and environmental considerations of mini-grid hybrid power system with reverse osmosis desalination plant for remote areas.Renewable Energy,34(2), 374-383. Tal, A. (2011). The desalination debatelessons learned thus far.Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development,53(5), 34-48.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Project Management in Team Dynamics Essay Example
Project Management in Team Dynamics Paper Project Management in Team Dynamics Project Management has been a major aspect in Team Dynamics, throughout the years in project planning. Project Management has prepared a way to plan, arrange and supervise resources, so that team projects will be more consistent in production and quality. Project Management has many features that make a team more reliable and dependable. For example, defining the goal and objectives; participates in a team; checkpoints to identify the project progress; standard and guidelines; and a communication plan. If the dynamics of project management are mplemented accurately, it will be beneficial in saving money, time, be more reliable and you will have job satisfaction. Project Management is an excellent tool to utilize in any business. It will bring success to any project or task. Defining objectives and goals help teams to identify what they are striving for. Every team member must be familiar with the objectives and goals or the cause for being call a t eam. Without an objective or a goal, project management does not have a position. Objectives and goals are the main reason for Team Dynamics, to have something to achieve. Many team members may have different assignments, but they will all have similar goals in a team project. â€Å" Goal are the glue that hold a team together†(Temme Katzel, 1995, p. 1). Team members is the structure of Team Dynamics. Each member must have a role and responsibilities to make everyone feel like a part of the team. A team leader/ team manager is required to assist and support the team, to make certain that all the team demands are met. â€Å" A team is not a team unless the members have a common purpose†(Temme Katzel, 1995, p. 1). A goal is needed to have intention for the team. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management in Team Dynamics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management in Team Dynamics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management in Team Dynamics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer An excellent way to set team goals is to composition a charter, so that each member will have a contribution on each individuals goals. A Charter will help set team guidelines and ground rules, so members will know what is expected. A checkpoint is present to see where everyone stands and the progress of the project. The Project Management Methodology (1997) stated, The checkpoints will also act as an opportunity for you to compare your plan against what you have completed and verify that your are still on track with the original project plan. At this point, you might need to dd or subtract items in affect resetting the expectations you have previously set. It is very important to measure your not just blow through each of the checkpoint. (para. 1) Checkpoint keeps everyone focus on the goal and objectives that were set. Another key factor in Project Management is standards. What are the standards or qualifications that is needed to have a successful project or task? Standards add gu idance or guidelines to know what is required of the finish project. If there are no standards to pursue, the project will not have a purpose or goal. Standards are like a goal to accomplish. Every project has standards or guidelines to follow to assure that the major goal is achieve. There are several techniques to measure standards in a project, for instant, there is a measurement in time, quantity, size, shape and color etc. There is no specific measurement; it is according to the final project goal. A successful team is required to have a communication plan so that each member in the team will be inform of the project status, changes, and issues. The Method 123 (2003) stated, â€Å"To ensure that communication within your project is clear, concise, relevant and timely- you will need to create a â€Å"Communication Plan†(para 1). In a team meeting, the team will address their ideas and issues. Team meetings will help you and your team members collaborate on each other’s ideas and views. Team meeting and good communication will also keep your team on the right track. Project Management has many benefits that make a project successful and profitable. The PSA Project (2005) stated, . Project Management was developed to save time on a project by planning it out and considering all relevant factors which may affect its outcome. The benefits are proven it saves time and money, and generates a more successful (para. ). Project Management also adds consistency and value to Team Dynamics. With project management, organizations has gain enormous success in profits. It is the solution to a successful project or task. In conclusion, managing projects takes planning and organizing. Project Management has a lot of key elements to make planning a project easier, faster and consistent. A good preparation to a task wi ll bring countless of benefit and profit to a project, which is the most important target in any project. References Project Management Methodology (1997). Methodology in a Box. Retrieved November 24, 2007, from http://www. dabcc. com/miab/miab30/Project-Management-2. -Project-Management-Met hodology-MIAB- 3. aspx PSA Project . (2005). Benefits of Successful Project Management . Retrieved November 25, 2007, from http://www. psaproject. com. au/default. asp Method123. (2003). CommunicationsPlanning. Retrieved January 29, 2007, from http://www. method123. com/articles/2007/01/29/Communications-Plan/ Temme, Jim. , Katzel, Jeanine. (1995). Calling a team a team doesnt mean that it is: successful teamwork must be a way of life. Plant Engineering , 49(1), 112.
Friday, March 6, 2020
6 top retail jobs this holiday season and how to get them
6 top retail jobs this holiday season and how to get them As the weather gets colder, that means two things: the holidays are coming, and there will be a lot of seasonal retail jobs opening up. Whether you’re looking for a side gig to make extra money or a right-now job to get you through the holidays, retail is the place to be from October until January. The seasonal holiday job is a perennial classic opportunity for temporary work, or an experience-building job that can be your entry point to a longer career working in retail. Let’s look at six of the top retail job opportunities available this holiday season.Retail Sales AssociateThis is kind of the classic seasonal job. Brick and mortar stores are busier than ever around the holidays, and they need the kind of all-hands-on-deck staffs that will let them boost those crucial holiday sales while keeping the store running smoothly. Retail sales associates may be responsible for stocking shelves, merchandising, cashier-ing, or working directly with customers. They may also be b ehind the scenes, assisting with incoming shipments and helping to manage inventory.Holiday sales associates are usually expected to work long or late shifts to accommodate for expanded store hours, and potentially on holidays (especially as more and more stores creep their Black Friday specials into Thanksgiving Day). It’s a hectic pace and you may be expected to be on your feet for most of it, so it’s important to have the physical stamina to withstand the holiday rush. This job may also involved a certain amount of heavy lifting and reaching.To get started as a retail sales associate, the bigger retailers (think Target, WalMart, Kohl’s, Toys ‘R Us, etc.) are almost always hiring seasonal help, but also be sure to check out smaller stores, who may also need holiday associates.What you’ll need: A solid retail resume, for starters, and also a strong set of customer service skills. You’ll also need general retail skills like good organization, time management, the ability to work independently without constant oversight, and math skills. You’ll also need to be flexible on your availability to work.Customer Service RepresentativeMore customers means more customer needs, and many stores and companies bulk up their customer service departments for the holidays. In retail, that often means manning the phones, internet chat programs, or social media platforms to make sure that customer issues and complaints are being handled quickly and appropriately. Customer service representatives may also be tasked with giving information to customers, processing returns or refunds, escalating customer issues appropriately, and troubleshooting specific issues. Because customer service doesn’t necessarily coincide with a store’s hours (and even less so if a store does a brisk holiday business online), the shifts may be overnight, over weekends, or over holidays. This can be a good job for night owls, or someone who has daytime obligations.What you’ll need: A solid customer service resume. You’ll need customer service skills first and foremost, as well as tech skills like handling multi-line phones, recordkeeping software, and internet chat programs. You’ll also need strong problem solving skills, as much of your time may be spent helping to diagnose and resolve problems for customers.Holiday ActorMany malls and stores (especially department stores) have a holiday display with some kind of interactive component (like Santa visits and photos). If you resemble the jolly old head elf himself, all the better. But people of all shapes and sizes are often needed to help out with these displays, shepherding kids through, or acting as elves/reindeer/other holiday characters. You don’t need to have an Academy Award-winning resume, but if you’re interested in working in a retail store without being an associate on the floor, this can be an option. You may be assisting with photo setup, or working on crowd/line management. The name of this position may vary by store. For example, Macy’s calls their fleet of seasonal Santas and elves â€Å"Santaland Sales Associates.†What you’ll need: Great people skills, especially kid-friendly ones. If you’re interested in being Santa himself, there are actually schools for that. Otherwise, skills like organization and time management also serve you well, as stores are just as interested in having these customers spend money in the store as waiting in line to see the holiday display.Retail Housekeeping Associate/JanitorWith all of the holiday shopping chaos, stores can get cluttered and disorganized. Enter the housekeeping staff. Like just about every other retail department, stores often need extra help in the cleaning department as well. These associates may be responsible for cleaning the store before or after hours, maintaining clean public areas during business hours, restocking thing s like boxes and bags in checkout areas, and generally cleaning up messes that occur in all the holiday hubbub. The housekeeping staff helps the operations of a store run more smoothly.What you’ll need: Good time management and organizational skills, and the ability to work independently to do what needs to be done.Warehouse/Shipping AssociateWarehouse staff are more important than ever in the ecommerce boom, and are essential to more traditional retail stores as well. These associates keep products on shelves and arriving at customers’ doors, and during the holidays, companies hire more staff to accommodate the higher volume of orders. Warehouse associates may be responsible for assembling shipments, preparing shipments, processing outgoing and incoming shipments, tracking inventory, and using heavy equipment (Iike forklifts) to move goods and shipments around. Many companies (like Amazon) hire warehouse staff all around the country to make sure their warehouses and s hipping facilities are operating at peak capacity during the busy holiday season.Most companies hire seasonal warehouse associates on a part-time basis, but there may also be full-time opportunities available through the holiday season.What you’ll need: Good physical stamina, as this is often a very physical and demanding job. You may need to be on your feet for shifts, and may be required to perform heavy lifting or other physical tasks. You will likely also need to be flexible on scheduling, as many warehouse jobs have shifts around the clock to accommodate holiday volume.Loss Prevention/Asset Protection AssociateWith holiday crowds come holiday shoplifters, unfortunately, and stores are aware of the need to bring on more security staff than usual to keep an eye on shoppers. Loss prevention and asset protection associates (perhaps better known as security guards) are responsible for ensuring that employees and customers are stealing, and for ensuring the general safety and security of the store. These associates may be stationed at particular points in a mall or store, or may be tasked with circulating and monitoring potential threats. Security associates may also work behind the scenes, monitoring cameras or other surveillance equipment to maintain order and safety, and catch would-be criminals in the act. You may need to work with police or other law enforcement as necessary, and will likely receive on-the-job training about store safety and security procedures and best practices.What you’ll need: A high school degree or equivalent, and prior security experience is ideal. You may also need to pass a background check. And this job also requires strong people and customer service skills.Retail jobs can be pretty diverse, especially when it’s the holidays and stores need more people to do just about everything you can think of. If you feel at home out on the store floor in the holiday crowds, great- but if your skills lean more toward beh ind the scenes customer service, or maintaining the store’s logistical status quo, there are plenty of opportunities there as well. If you’re interested in finding a holiday retail job, the time to get started is now. Hiring is usually done in a fast and furious way to make sure all the staffing is in place before Black Friday ads start hitting the airwaves, so you need to be able to jump on opportunities as you find them.We’ve got all the tools you need to get started in retail, create your resume, and prep for the interview. Good luck, and happy holiday job hunting!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Discuss the importance and role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Essay - 1
Discuss the importance and role of Corporate Social Responsibility in event management in the 21st Century - Essay Example The complexity of cooperate social responsibility has attracted many scholars from all fields in an attempt to describe its many aspects. This essay will discuss some of the impact that cooperate social responsibility has effected in the economic and management strategies. It will also check on the various roles and importance in event management. It creates awareness on the various models of responding to various problems (Hopkins, 2006: 10). Different institutions have used this strategy with the emergence of globalization, which has raised the needs of the business to diversify with the diverse cultures, and the geographical settings that it serves (Horrigan, 2010: 352). Application of the strategy has helped create competition among event planning institutions serving the customer’s needs effectively and enhancing the sustainability of the enterprise (Jones, 2010:25). Institutions that apply this strategy have been able to diversify their services. This depends on differen t factors like the geographical settings hence increasing the country’s demand to serve the emerging social demands. ... The morals, standards, and monitoring the general plans of the people to ensure no tragic flaws experienced as after effects (Mullerat, 2010: 144). The society recognizes the enterprises need for to maximize on their profits, but still on the same, it demands the enterprise to intervene on other matters that affect the society. This helps enhance the impression of the society to increase their abilities of gaining profits from the public and globalizing their event organizing activities (Hopkins, 2006: 15). In addition, by interacting with the various societies the enterprise gets to interact with different cultures, which enhance its ability to satisfy the diversifying demands in the international market. With globalization, no enterprise should for-go cooperate social responsibility with the aim of addressing the urgent issues in the international market. Event managers need creativity and new strategies that are attractive to consumers. By applying the cooperate control strategy w hich has tremendously improved in the 21st century to satisfying the demands of their consumers. The extended environmental boundaries to serve and the diversified social cultures to interact with have raised the need for creativity on any organization in branding its products. Social responsibility may involve getting ideas from the public, or financing and supporting other creative enterprises and giving them rewards or collaborating with them (Zu, 2009:115). This may help bring about a change of ideas and do away with some of issues such as outdated products, which would have been modified to suit the revolutionized times and create impact on the environment and
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Global strategies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global strategies - Case Study Example Christopher Carson had adequate marketing knowledge and helped in enactment of policies that led to the success of the company. Another factor that contributed to the success is possession of outstanding technology for production, which resulted in processing of high quality wine brands, which became widely recognized (Bartlett Web). There were a number of reasons that led to the tension between Stephen Davies and Christopher Carson. One of the major sources of conflict was the underlying difference in opinion regarding the marketing strategies particularly on labeling as well as branding. While Davis was experienced in aspects regarding marketing Carson had ample knowledge on the market conditions and tended to disagree with Davis opinions on the appropriate branding. The main difference was on branding regarded Stamps and Nottage Hill brands. Carson wanted the brands to be re-launched in UK while Davis wanted them to focus more on improving local market and not on branding and was against repositioning of the brands. Additionally, Carson argued that labeling was a crucial factor in the UK market and Davis was against this opinion. Carson was also quite officious and felt his opinions were superior. Another source of tension was the poor communication between the two, which made them appear to be in some sort o f fight for the power (Bartlett Web). Davis and Carson have never handled their differences in an appropriate and complete manner. They still have communication issues and rarely agree on many issues. On the issue of Kelly’s revenge, Davis has never agreed with Carson’s idea and still believes that that the best option is to Launch Banrock Station in UK. Generally, each of the two feels like their opinion is the appropriate one and that the other does not respect it. This is attributable to underlying animosity regarding leadership
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Impact Of Online Shopping On Society Information Technology Essay
The Impact Of Online Shopping On Society Information Technology Essay Nowadays in new era of technology, internet has already become part of our life. As Internet is becoming more widely used, we almost can find or do everything via internet. As many businesses are attempting to globalize their sales, Internet becomes the primary means of advertising and selling their products or services worldwide. Many businesses are creating web pages in addition to their retail stores, and many start their businesses with online stores alone. Paul Demery (2006) said, according to a new report from Forrester Research, 75% of the 80 million U.S. online households have purchased products over the Internet, with more than two-thirds having made an online purchase within the past three months. 8 million of web shoppers, 19% households spent $500 during the past three months, 16% spent between $250 and $499, 26% spent between $100 and $249, and 39% spent between $1 and $99. Due to online shopping is becoming more and more popular, there will have a lot of issues like, pr ivacy, cheating, Fraud and security concerns, consumer expectation and etc. Online shopping websites is build to allow people to sell and advertise their item or buy any things that they needed via website. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the first World Wide Web server and browser. According to Kathryn (2010), in 1992, several years before Amazon was launched, there has a first-ever online bookstore been opened by a man named Charles Stack. Now it becomes But, the first businesses to really make shopping online popular are Amazon and eBay which is launched by 1995 and 1996. These two businesses remain among the top online shopping sites today. The system is build in ethical way as it allows people to sell and advertise their items or buy any things as they needed via website. However, some people who having guilty mind take this advantage to do cyber crimes, such as cheating or scamming, stealing credit card information and etc. As stated in Wikipedia (2010), online shopping website brings a lot of advantages to public, such as more convenience, lower price and selection, information and review and etc. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages exist too, such as fraud and security concerns, lack of full cost disclosure, privacy and etc. Online shopping website brings good impact to the IT industry. To maintain online shopping websites, it needs a lot of programmers, such as, analysis programmer, database administrator, security programmer, web designer and etc. It means that online shopping website is giving more opportunity for job. Data centers which providing hosting services will bloom and many e shopping portals will be up online. On the time, many different e shopping portals will race to be the best which provides the best service and lowest price. It also gives more jobs opportunities to people for courier services. The implications of online shopping website toward the society have advantages and disadvantages. It depends on how people use on it. If people use it in right way, it will bring a lot of positive benefit. Kimberly Palmer (2007) said, according to Forrester Research, more than half of US households regularly shop on the web, but online purchases still make up only 7 percent of total retail sales. Nowadays, consumers can buy everything over the web, which mean it help us save time and money. Convenient is the main advantage for online shopping website, because it allows consumer shop at anywhere and anytime with just only a personal computer or laptop with an internet access. It also save consumer traveling time to retail stores. Convenience includes the overall ease of finding a product, time spent on shopping, post purchase service, complete contact information, and minimization of overall shopping effort (Christian Schaupp France Belanger, 2005). Researchers also identify convenie nce as a à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“fundamental objectiveà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ related to online shopping (Christian Schaupp France Belanger, 2005). Besides that, lower price and selection also play a very important role. It allows consumers able to quickly seek out deals for items with many different vendors. Consumer able to compares many different products, prices and productà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s quality in same time. Online shopping is always get cheaper prices compare with retail stores, because online store does not have to pay the costs of running a shop and wages to salespeople, and all of the other running costs of a real world business. Other than that, for those who only have limited budget and want to start their own business, it highly recommended start from online shopping website. On the other hand, online shopping also will bring negative impact to society if it misused by public. For example, credit card or identity fraud. When consumers wanted to purchase something from website, they need to use credit or debit card to make payment. So, some hacker will take this advantage to steal credit or debit card information via online shopping website. According to Danielle Miceli Rachel Kim (2010), the chart below shows that make purchases in person and make purchases online are more than four in 10 cases of fraud, which mean the security of online shopping is too weak. Because online purchases require only a credit or debit card number, this method of fraud is increasingly favored by criminals. Additionally, slightly more than 20% of victims of identity fraud had their information use to make phone or mail-order catalog purchases. Figure 1.1 what are the most common methods of fraud? [Danielle Miceli Rachel Kim (2010)] Besides that, cheating and scamming also one of very serious issues. For example, Philip Reed (2010) shows an example of online car-buying fraud, a girl named Joan (not her real name) won an online auction for a 2001 Chrysler Town Country minivan. It was a great deal, and the pictures made it look brand-new. But three weeks later, her family had lost $6,000 and she never got the van. She was a victim of a rapidly growing scam: Internet fraud. In Joans case, she bid a minivan on and then she has received an e-mail which informs her that she had won the bid and the van was hers. However, she did not see that Yahoo never posted her as the top bidder. The con artists merely captured her e-mail address and contacted her directly about a car that actually existed but was being sold by an unsuspecting third party. What made Joans case especially tragic was that she was buying the van for her parents. She urged them to take out a loan to finance it and then sent their money to a s upposedly secure escrow site. Escrows are used in car-buying as an impartial middleman, an agency that holds the money securely until the vehicle is shipped to the new owner. However, this escrow site, given the legitimate-sounding name, was a bank account controlled by the criminals. Once the funds were transferred there, the money was withdrawn, the account was closed and the paper trail was erased. Other than IT industry and society issues, online shopping also bring negative impact to environment. According to William Chen (2008), online shopping is encouraging more trash at the curbside. They mostly use courier to deliver their goods. Although there is not only in the local deliveries but also with amount of paper, plastic and cardboard that is pushed into city waste stream. Environmentalists are showing a great concern towards this. They have understood from surveys that the negatives are by far greater than the positives on environment. E-commerce has negative effects on the environment. A big negative impact online shopping has had on environment is the amount of non-recyclable materials that come with products ordered online which is bubble wrap, foam rubber and expanded polystyrene. As conclusion, online shopping website is become more popular and powerful. Although online shopping have bring a lot of advantages to society, but there are some negative concerns of online shopping too. To avoid cyber crimes, consumers must be careful while using credit card via online shopping website. In addition, web programmer should upgrade and enhance the security level of the website to avoid those crimes. Except cyber crimes, pollution on our environment are getting more serious, as a human being, we should protect our earth and home. It is also suggested that consumers and retailer should use some recyclable material to deliver the goods. Eventually, all consumers will adapt to the online shopping technology and able to enjoy the convenient, innovative way of shopping.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Water Balance Essay
According to Gildemeister, Berkeley is a west-coast Mediterranean climate (distinct wet and dry seasons). In the late spring and early fall, strong offshore winds of sinking air typically develop, bringing heat and dryness to the area. In the spring, this is not usually a problem as vegetation is still moist from winter rains, but extreme dryness prevails by the fall. The warmest and driest months are typically June through September, with the highest temperatures occurring in September. Mid-summer (July-August) is often a bit cooler due to the sea breezes and fog which are normally most strongly developed then (Gildemeister, 2004, p.109).Gildemeister also mentions the main controlling factor over the characteristics of the Mediterranean climate is the alternating influence of the subtropical high in summer and Westerlies during the winter (p. 111). During the summer, the subtropical high has expanded to its largest extent and most pole ward position, exerting its influence on subtro pical west coasts between 30o and 40o N and S latitude. Subsiding air from the high creates stable atmospheric conditions when coupled with cold ocean currents along these coastsTerre Haute has a mid-latitude continental climate. Ritter explains that rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The wettest months of the year are May and June. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 87. 30 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 17. 70 degrees Fahrenheit Polar-type air masses collide with tropical type air masses causing uplift of the less dense and moister tropical air resulting in precipitation.Colliding along the polar front, these air masses turn and swirl into large extra-tropical cyclones steered by the polar front jet stream lying high in the troposphere. These huge systems generally work their way across the surface in a west to east fashion, embedded in the dominate wind flow of the westerly wind belt (Ritter, The Physical Environment). Potential evapo-transpiration is the amount of water that would be evaporated under an optimal set of conditions, among which is an unlimited supply of water. In other words, it would be the water needed for evaporation and transpiration given the local environmental conditions.One of the most important factors that determine water demand is solar radiation. As energy input increases the demand for water, especially from plants increases. Regardless if there is, or isn't, any water in the soil, a plant still demands water. If it doesn't have access to water, the plant will likely wither and die. Between April and October, potential evapo-transpiration significantly exceeds precipitation in Berkeley whereas except July & August potential evapo-transpiration marginally exceeds precipitation in Terre Haute.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Evolution of Business Presentation Essay
The Industrial Revolution Business has gone through several different stages of evolution from feudalism to the industrial revolution. In the following, each stage of business evolution will be examined and explained in detail. FeudalismThe business or economic system in which one class of people, aristocrats, control the property rights to all valuable resources, including people. The Hierarchy of English Aristocrats is indicated to the right of the description of Feudalism. The position in which an individual held was determined by the income they generated. The more income you made, the higher position you held in the hierarchy. The kings and Queens were the highest in rank who controlled everyone and everything that happens in their land. Hierarchy of authorityDating back in the Stone Age, the beginnings of Feudalism were starting to take place. Business has always been the stepping stone to a grand life, rather it be a great nation or corporation. During the time of the stone age, there was a chief who had authority over everyone. There were hunters who hunted wild animals for food to distribute to the tribe or clan. The food gatherers would gather and clean all the food the hunters would bring in. Craftspeople would make clothes and weapons out of the hides and bones of the animals hunted. The priests, shamans, and sages were responsible for providing â€Å"protection†and religious hope. MERCANTILISM Business or economic system in which merchants and bankers organize the trade of products across markets and countries until they are put to their most valued use. Mercantilism existed back in Egyptian times also. It was a huge part of Egypt and it’s economic existence. There was some papyrus records found that described boundless quantities of grain and olive oil being stored in warehouses that extended over several fields in Alexandria, Egypt. These warehouses were meant for sale abroad. In the time of the Ptolemy dynasty, mercantilism was a godsend. This king of Egypt owed Alexander the Great an abundant amount of money for Egypt being a free country. Along with gold, King Ptolemy would send fields of grain as payment for their freedom. The price of TeaMerchants then and now still make huge amounts of profit by taking advantage of differences in the prices of products in different markets. In the 1600s, tea that was imported from India to Britain cost about $100 a pound in today’s money. It was so expensive that it had to be locked up and taken out with care. Because tea was so expensive, some British communities fought back by dressing up as Native Americans and forcing the tea that was being imported into the ocean. This was called the Boston Tea Party and it helped bring about eh American Revolution. CAPITALISM The economic, business, and political system that allows people to own resources and use them to engage in production, trade, and distribution of goods and services. Capital was and still is a huge part of business. If you didn’t have what you needed, trading and bartering was the way to get it. For example, $100 was your starting capital and you needed to buy ten sacks of corn to create your product. Once you create your product and sold it, you produced more capital to turn around and buy more product. If the business was good then you could have created profit as well. Capital is not just money, it could be anything that creates profit. A piece of land perhaps with the ability to grow corn, raise cattle, etc. When a person grows corn and raises livestock, they could sell it and make an abundance of profit. COMMERCE Commerce is a division of trade or production which deals with the exchange of goods and services from producer to final consumer. Commerce comprises the trading of something of economic value such as goods, services, information or money between two or more entities. It functions as the central mechanism which drives capitalism and certain other economic systems. Commerce can be traced to the very start of communication in prehistoric times. Trading became a principal of prehistoric people who bartered what they had for goods and services from each other. PROPERTY RIGHTS Property rights are the claims by people to own, use, and sell the rights to valuable resources. Unlike now, there were no laws to protect and provide people with a legitimate claim to own and use property. The claim for property rights were a matter of using harsh force to get obtain it. Once you claimed land, you owned everything on it. The diagram shows what property rights and resources are,Land: ownership of the rights to land and the buildings and structures upon it. Capital: Ownership of the rights to financial assets such as stock, bonds, and money. Enterprise: Ownership of the rights to the products of enterprise such as patents and copyrights to products. Labor: Ownership of the rights to ones own labor and the right to work freely. THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The Industrial Revolution was an era in the 1700 and 1800’s that marked improved production and trade brought about by advances in technology. The Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. It spread through Europe and the United States. This period is appropriately labeled â€Å"revolution†for its thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things. Advances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an increased supply of food and raw materials, changes in industrial organization and new technology which cased an increase in production, efficiency and profits, and the increase of commerce, foreign and domestic, were all conditions which promoted the advent of the Industrial Revolution. REFERENCES The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2007). The Evolution of Business. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from The McGraw-Hill Companies, Week Two, BUS210- Foundations of Business Web site. Halsall Paul, (1996). Internet Medieval Sourcebook. . Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution.. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from www.about.comAsk. (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Gender Stereotypes Are Disney Princesses Harmful Young...
Gender Stereotypes: Are Disney princesses harmful to young girls? In this society, there are proposition how each gender should conduct oneself, dress, and accord themselves. Kids that are growing up in the area have a person that they think are superhuman. For young girls they role models are Disney princesses. Disney princesses make great role models to girls they teach girls to have hope and courage. All the princesses have different stories and that makes it better for girls to understand. Although it may seem great parents think otherwise. Parents think they promote damaging stereotypes of women. There are many good intentions to show girls how strong that they could be one day just like the princesses. Many people feel as that†¦show more content†¦Monika Bartyzel, States â€Å"Princesses represent one insufficient form of feminine that has an immense collision on young civilization†(470, Bartyzel). Disney princesses’ films are made to give young princesses hope. In some cases, the princesses saved their prince. Pocahontas rescued her monarch and she conclude the fighting in the process of doing so. Mulan also saved her prince and conserve china while performance. In some stories the princesses ended up not being with the guy. This teaches young girls that not all things will come true, but it’s the thought that matters most. Doing nice things doesn’t always means that you should get a reward in return. People do nice things because it’s the right and better thing to do in life. Disney princess could be harmful to young girls who takes them as their role models. There are princesses better than others and some are awful role models. Some princesses instruct young girls that it’s fine to be unassertive, which is a bad thing to teach to young girls. Also, I find that some princesses modify themselves just to amuse a gentleman. Ariel the princess in â€Å"Little Mermaid†adjust each thing concerning herself for a man. She transferred up her intermediary to obtain limbs so that she could exist with a guy. As Bartzyel stated in line 468, â€Å"Taming her hair, and shrinking her breast. When young girl see’s that they will think that’s it’s okay to give up certain things just to be with someoneShow MoreRelatedGender Stereotypes : Disney Princesses Are Not Harmful To Young Girls1027 Words  | 5 PagesGender Stereotypes: Disney princesses are not harmful to young girls In this New age, there are proposition how each gender should conduct oneself, dress, and accord themselves. Kids that are growing up in the area have a person that they think are superhuman. For young girls their role models are Disney princesses. Disney princesses make great role models for girls they teach girls to have hope and courage. 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