Monday, January 27, 2020
The Impact Of Online Shopping On Society Information Technology Essay
The Impact Of Online Shopping On Society Information Technology Essay Nowadays in new era of technology, internet has already become part of our life. As Internet is becoming more widely used, we almost can find or do everything via internet. As many businesses are attempting to globalize their sales, Internet becomes the primary means of advertising and selling their products or services worldwide. Many businesses are creating web pages in addition to their retail stores, and many start their businesses with online stores alone. Paul Demery (2006) said, according to a new report from Forrester Research, 75% of the 80 million U.S. online households have purchased products over the Internet, with more than two-thirds having made an online purchase within the past three months. 8 million of web shoppers, 19% households spent $500 during the past three months, 16% spent between $250 and $499, 26% spent between $100 and $249, and 39% spent between $1 and $99. Due to online shopping is becoming more and more popular, there will have a lot of issues like, pr ivacy, cheating, Fraud and security concerns, consumer expectation and etc. Online shopping websites is build to allow people to sell and advertise their item or buy any things that they needed via website. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the first World Wide Web server and browser. According to Kathryn (2010), in 1992, several years before Amazon was launched, there has a first-ever online bookstore been opened by a man named Charles Stack. Now it becomes But, the first businesses to really make shopping online popular are Amazon and eBay which is launched by 1995 and 1996. These two businesses remain among the top online shopping sites today. The system is build in ethical way as it allows people to sell and advertise their items or buy any things as they needed via website. However, some people who having guilty mind take this advantage to do cyber crimes, such as cheating or scamming, stealing credit card information and etc. As stated in Wikipedia (2010), online shopping website brings a lot of advantages to public, such as more convenience, lower price and selection, information and review and etc. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages exist too, such as fraud and security concerns, lack of full cost disclosure, privacy and etc. Online shopping website brings good impact to the IT industry. To maintain online shopping websites, it needs a lot of programmers, such as, analysis programmer, database administrator, security programmer, web designer and etc. It means that online shopping website is giving more opportunity for job. Data centers which providing hosting services will bloom and many e shopping portals will be up online. On the time, many different e shopping portals will race to be the best which provides the best service and lowest price. It also gives more jobs opportunities to people for courier services. The implications of online shopping website toward the society have advantages and disadvantages. It depends on how people use on it. If people use it in right way, it will bring a lot of positive benefit. Kimberly Palmer (2007) said, according to Forrester Research, more than half of US households regularly shop on the web, but online purchases still make up only 7 percent of total retail sales. Nowadays, consumers can buy everything over the web, which mean it help us save time and money. Convenient is the main advantage for online shopping website, because it allows consumer shop at anywhere and anytime with just only a personal computer or laptop with an internet access. It also save consumer traveling time to retail stores. Convenience includes the overall ease of finding a product, time spent on shopping, post purchase service, complete contact information, and minimization of overall shopping effort (Christian Schaupp France Belanger, 2005). Researchers also identify convenie nce as a à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“fundamental objectiveà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ related to online shopping (Christian Schaupp France Belanger, 2005). Besides that, lower price and selection also play a very important role. It allows consumers able to quickly seek out deals for items with many different vendors. Consumer able to compares many different products, prices and productà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s quality in same time. Online shopping is always get cheaper prices compare with retail stores, because online store does not have to pay the costs of running a shop and wages to salespeople, and all of the other running costs of a real world business. Other than that, for those who only have limited budget and want to start their own business, it highly recommended start from online shopping website. On the other hand, online shopping also will bring negative impact to society if it misused by public. For example, credit card or identity fraud. When consumers wanted to purchase something from website, they need to use credit or debit card to make payment. So, some hacker will take this advantage to steal credit or debit card information via online shopping website. According to Danielle Miceli Rachel Kim (2010), the chart below shows that make purchases in person and make purchases online are more than four in 10 cases of fraud, which mean the security of online shopping is too weak. Because online purchases require only a credit or debit card number, this method of fraud is increasingly favored by criminals. Additionally, slightly more than 20% of victims of identity fraud had their information use to make phone or mail-order catalog purchases. Figure 1.1 what are the most common methods of fraud? [Danielle Miceli Rachel Kim (2010)] Besides that, cheating and scamming also one of very serious issues. For example, Philip Reed (2010) shows an example of online car-buying fraud, a girl named Joan (not her real name) won an online auction for a 2001 Chrysler Town Country minivan. It was a great deal, and the pictures made it look brand-new. But three weeks later, her family had lost $6,000 and she never got the van. She was a victim of a rapidly growing scam: Internet fraud. In Joans case, she bid a minivan on and then she has received an e-mail which informs her that she had won the bid and the van was hers. However, she did not see that Yahoo never posted her as the top bidder. The con artists merely captured her e-mail address and contacted her directly about a car that actually existed but was being sold by an unsuspecting third party. What made Joans case especially tragic was that she was buying the van for her parents. She urged them to take out a loan to finance it and then sent their money to a s upposedly secure escrow site. Escrows are used in car-buying as an impartial middleman, an agency that holds the money securely until the vehicle is shipped to the new owner. However, this escrow site, given the legitimate-sounding name, was a bank account controlled by the criminals. Once the funds were transferred there, the money was withdrawn, the account was closed and the paper trail was erased. Other than IT industry and society issues, online shopping also bring negative impact to environment. According to William Chen (2008), online shopping is encouraging more trash at the curbside. They mostly use courier to deliver their goods. Although there is not only in the local deliveries but also with amount of paper, plastic and cardboard that is pushed into city waste stream. Environmentalists are showing a great concern towards this. They have understood from surveys that the negatives are by far greater than the positives on environment. E-commerce has negative effects on the environment. A big negative impact online shopping has had on environment is the amount of non-recyclable materials that come with products ordered online which is bubble wrap, foam rubber and expanded polystyrene. As conclusion, online shopping website is become more popular and powerful. Although online shopping have bring a lot of advantages to society, but there are some negative concerns of online shopping too. To avoid cyber crimes, consumers must be careful while using credit card via online shopping website. In addition, web programmer should upgrade and enhance the security level of the website to avoid those crimes. Except cyber crimes, pollution on our environment are getting more serious, as a human being, we should protect our earth and home. It is also suggested that consumers and retailer should use some recyclable material to deliver the goods. Eventually, all consumers will adapt to the online shopping technology and able to enjoy the convenient, innovative way of shopping.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Water Balance Essay
According to Gildemeister, Berkeley is a west-coast Mediterranean climate (distinct wet and dry seasons). In the late spring and early fall, strong offshore winds of sinking air typically develop, bringing heat and dryness to the area. In the spring, this is not usually a problem as vegetation is still moist from winter rains, but extreme dryness prevails by the fall. The warmest and driest months are typically June through September, with the highest temperatures occurring in September. Mid-summer (July-August) is often a bit cooler due to the sea breezes and fog which are normally most strongly developed then (Gildemeister, 2004, p.109).Gildemeister also mentions the main controlling factor over the characteristics of the Mediterranean climate is the alternating influence of the subtropical high in summer and Westerlies during the winter (p. 111). During the summer, the subtropical high has expanded to its largest extent and most pole ward position, exerting its influence on subtro pical west coasts between 30o and 40o N and S latitude. Subsiding air from the high creates stable atmospheric conditions when coupled with cold ocean currents along these coastsTerre Haute has a mid-latitude continental climate. Ritter explains that rainfall in is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year. The wettest months of the year are May and June. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 87. 30 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 17. 70 degrees Fahrenheit Polar-type air masses collide with tropical type air masses causing uplift of the less dense and moister tropical air resulting in precipitation.Colliding along the polar front, these air masses turn and swirl into large extra-tropical cyclones steered by the polar front jet stream lying high in the troposphere. These huge systems generally work their way across the surface in a west to east fashion, embedded in the dominate wind flow of the westerly wind belt (Ritter, The Physical Environment). Potential evapo-transpiration is the amount of water that would be evaporated under an optimal set of conditions, among which is an unlimited supply of water. In other words, it would be the water needed for evaporation and transpiration given the local environmental conditions.One of the most important factors that determine water demand is solar radiation. As energy input increases the demand for water, especially from plants increases. Regardless if there is, or isn't, any water in the soil, a plant still demands water. If it doesn't have access to water, the plant will likely wither and die. Between April and October, potential evapo-transpiration significantly exceeds precipitation in Berkeley whereas except July & August potential evapo-transpiration marginally exceeds precipitation in Terre Haute.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Evolution of Business Presentation Essay
The Industrial Revolution Business has gone through several different stages of evolution from feudalism to the industrial revolution. In the following, each stage of business evolution will be examined and explained in detail. FeudalismThe business or economic system in which one class of people, aristocrats, control the property rights to all valuable resources, including people. The Hierarchy of English Aristocrats is indicated to the right of the description of Feudalism. The position in which an individual held was determined by the income they generated. The more income you made, the higher position you held in the hierarchy. The kings and Queens were the highest in rank who controlled everyone and everything that happens in their land. Hierarchy of authorityDating back in the Stone Age, the beginnings of Feudalism were starting to take place. Business has always been the stepping stone to a grand life, rather it be a great nation or corporation. During the time of the stone age, there was a chief who had authority over everyone. There were hunters who hunted wild animals for food to distribute to the tribe or clan. The food gatherers would gather and clean all the food the hunters would bring in. Craftspeople would make clothes and weapons out of the hides and bones of the animals hunted. The priests, shamans, and sages were responsible for providing â€Å"protection†and religious hope. MERCANTILISM Business or economic system in which merchants and bankers organize the trade of products across markets and countries until they are put to their most valued use. Mercantilism existed back in Egyptian times also. It was a huge part of Egypt and it’s economic existence. There was some papyrus records found that described boundless quantities of grain and olive oil being stored in warehouses that extended over several fields in Alexandria, Egypt. These warehouses were meant for sale abroad. In the time of the Ptolemy dynasty, mercantilism was a godsend. This king of Egypt owed Alexander the Great an abundant amount of money for Egypt being a free country. Along with gold, King Ptolemy would send fields of grain as payment for their freedom. The price of TeaMerchants then and now still make huge amounts of profit by taking advantage of differences in the prices of products in different markets. In the 1600s, tea that was imported from India to Britain cost about $100 a pound in today’s money. It was so expensive that it had to be locked up and taken out with care. Because tea was so expensive, some British communities fought back by dressing up as Native Americans and forcing the tea that was being imported into the ocean. This was called the Boston Tea Party and it helped bring about eh American Revolution. CAPITALISM The economic, business, and political system that allows people to own resources and use them to engage in production, trade, and distribution of goods and services. Capital was and still is a huge part of business. If you didn’t have what you needed, trading and bartering was the way to get it. For example, $100 was your starting capital and you needed to buy ten sacks of corn to create your product. Once you create your product and sold it, you produced more capital to turn around and buy more product. If the business was good then you could have created profit as well. Capital is not just money, it could be anything that creates profit. A piece of land perhaps with the ability to grow corn, raise cattle, etc. When a person grows corn and raises livestock, they could sell it and make an abundance of profit. COMMERCE Commerce is a division of trade or production which deals with the exchange of goods and services from producer to final consumer. Commerce comprises the trading of something of economic value such as goods, services, information or money between two or more entities. It functions as the central mechanism which drives capitalism and certain other economic systems. Commerce can be traced to the very start of communication in prehistoric times. Trading became a principal of prehistoric people who bartered what they had for goods and services from each other. PROPERTY RIGHTS Property rights are the claims by people to own, use, and sell the rights to valuable resources. Unlike now, there were no laws to protect and provide people with a legitimate claim to own and use property. The claim for property rights were a matter of using harsh force to get obtain it. Once you claimed land, you owned everything on it. The diagram shows what property rights and resources are,Land: ownership of the rights to land and the buildings and structures upon it. Capital: Ownership of the rights to financial assets such as stock, bonds, and money. Enterprise: Ownership of the rights to the products of enterprise such as patents and copyrights to products. Labor: Ownership of the rights to ones own labor and the right to work freely. THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The Industrial Revolution was an era in the 1700 and 1800’s that marked improved production and trade brought about by advances in technology. The Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. It spread through Europe and the United States. This period is appropriately labeled â€Å"revolution†for its thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things. Advances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an increased supply of food and raw materials, changes in industrial organization and new technology which cased an increase in production, efficiency and profits, and the increase of commerce, foreign and domestic, were all conditions which promoted the advent of the Industrial Revolution. REFERENCES The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2007). The Evolution of Business. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from The McGraw-Hill Companies, Week Two, BUS210- Foundations of Business Web site. Halsall Paul, (1996). Internet Medieval Sourcebook. . Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution.. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from www.about.comAsk. (2008). Feudalism, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Commerce, Property rights, The Industrial Revolution. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Gender Stereotypes Are Disney Princesses Harmful Young...
Gender Stereotypes: Are Disney princesses harmful to young girls? In this society, there are proposition how each gender should conduct oneself, dress, and accord themselves. Kids that are growing up in the area have a person that they think are superhuman. For young girls they role models are Disney princesses. Disney princesses make great role models to girls they teach girls to have hope and courage. All the princesses have different stories and that makes it better for girls to understand. Although it may seem great parents think otherwise. Parents think they promote damaging stereotypes of women. There are many good intentions to show girls how strong that they could be one day just like the princesses. Many people feel as that†¦show more content†¦Monika Bartyzel, States â€Å"Princesses represent one insufficient form of feminine that has an immense collision on young civilization†(470, Bartyzel). Disney princesses’ films are made to give young princesses hope. In some cases, the princesses saved their prince. Pocahontas rescued her monarch and she conclude the fighting in the process of doing so. Mulan also saved her prince and conserve china while performance. In some stories the princesses ended up not being with the guy. This teaches young girls that not all things will come true, but it’s the thought that matters most. Doing nice things doesn’t always means that you should get a reward in return. People do nice things because it’s the right and better thing to do in life. Disney princess could be harmful to young girls who takes them as their role models. There are princesses better than others and some are awful role models. Some princesses instruct young girls that it’s fine to be unassertive, which is a bad thing to teach to young girls. Also, I find that some princesses modify themselves just to amuse a gentleman. Ariel the princess in â€Å"Little Mermaid†adjust each thing concerning herself for a man. She transferred up her intermediary to obtain limbs so that she could exist with a guy. As Bartzyel stated in line 468, â€Å"Taming her hair, and shrinking her breast. When young girl see’s that they will think that’s it’s okay to give up certain things just to be with someoneShow MoreRelatedGender Stereotypes : Disney Princesses Are Not Harmful To Young Girls1027 Words  | 5 PagesGender Stereotypes: Disney princesses are not harmful to young girls In this New age, there are proposition how each gender should conduct oneself, dress, and accord themselves. Kids that are growing up in the area have a person that they think are superhuman. For young girls their role models are Disney princesses. Disney princesses make great role models for girls they teach girls to have hope and courage. 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